Jake and I headed up this morning to join the Maine team. We arrived about 8:30 and it was pretty easy to tell who was starting their first day and who had 3 days in already. A couple of use were in good humor and some looked like they hadn't been sleeping well.
It was a tough start to recruiting for VBS today. There was a soccer camp and also Sudanese camp but in the end there was a nice size group. The kids acted out the story of the good Sumaritan. Stephen did a great job as the traveler. Geoffrey led the band of robbers which feature two of the local kids. They seemed to really enjoy playing the roles. The only problem was that the boy who played the Priest (Ronaldo) wanted to help the traveler and apologized because Lynn wouldn't let him help.
The one thing they don't do is sit well so games were a big hit and I found out that Ronaldo is also a bit of a huslter on the pool table. At least I was smart enough not to put down any money.