We had a full day today. We learned a lot from our first day of VBS and made some changes that allowed things to go much more smoothly. The games and crafts were a huge hit. Emma and Kate helped with face painting. Some of the boys had the names of the entire Celtics team painted on their arms. Others painted pots and made fruit loop necklaces. The kids LOVED painting, and will plant beans in their pots on Thursday.
Allyx, Geoff, Robbie and Joe especially enjoyed the service project today. The Root Cellar is involved in a summer long project cleaning an older gentleman's yard that was entirely overgrown. Our older kids worked one on one with the Root Cellar kids, showing them how to use pruning shears and hedge trimmers. The kids found a shopping cart, a golf club, and parts of a bicycle along with some other "treasures".
It's neat watching how well our kids interact and connect with the Root Cellar kids.